Welcome  to   Asian Golf Centre  in  Singapore
Golf Learning and Improvement Specialists. Business Reg. No. 47813000K (since 1993). Tel: 8222 1121
Golf lessons are conduct at Executive Golf Course & Driving Range.
Address: Track 7, Mandai Road, Upper Seletar Reservoir, Singapore 779384.


Asian Golf Centre endorsed golf sport programme
under the Sport Education Programme (SEP)
for year 2022

Golf Sport Play Programme (structured 24 sessions)
For Primary, Secondary School and Centralised Institute Students

The Training Programme

Programme Code:

Programme Category:
Golf Sport
Programme Objectives:

Beginner Golfer (24 sessions) - Fun learning golf to be a PC player.

1. The prime objective is to transform students from novice to a beginner golfer.
2. Student attaining the Singapore Golf Assoication (SGA) Proficiency Certificate (PC).
3. To promote golf to masses as a fun and recreational healthy sport activity.
4. To teach student the compliance golf safety rules so as to develop a safe and conducive environment for maximum
5. To attain the sport science knowledge and mental skills for physical preparation of golf skills and technique
6. To gain the right foundation and proficiency of the golf swing technique for recreational golf games.
7. An experiential learning programme of structured lessons with instructions, guidance, feedback and performance
    demand meet each lesson outcome.
8. The life skills will be integrated in the teaching process for positive character and personality development so as to
    promote a holistic learning.
9. A fun, engaging and challenging programme coupled with mini-games and actual golf game for active learning.
Description of Programme

This is a structured programme with 24 sessions targeted to transform student from novice to a beginner golfer. The sessions are conducted weekdays at golf driving range.

The prime objective of the programme is to assist the student achieving the golf swing technique proficiency. The student should be able to play golf recreationally with confidence. This is part of the student’s psychological and psychosocial development.

The students will clinically build up the right foundation and knowledge for each of the swing technique. This includes: arm-swing; full-swing; chipping; pitching; sandbunker; and putting golf swing technique through structural lessons. Each session has learning outcomes.

Our teaching methodology is by: direct; indirect; demonstration; and hands-on learning to benefit each student of auditory, visual and kinaesthetic modes of learning. The learning process of the complex golf swing technique will foster each student to employ their gross motor, visual perception and cognitive skills. This is also part of their intellectual properties development Our teaching philosophy will instil: discipline; motivation; diligence; goal setting; sportsmanship; and values of the game.

The life skills include but not limited to: awareness; self-esteem; assertiveness, coping with stress; coping with emotion; and social effective communication will be integrated in the teaching process for adaptive of positive behaviors. This is to promote a holistic learning.

The benefit of this programme is fun, engaging and challenging programme coupled with many drills, mini-games and actual golf games for active learning. The self-actualisation of the golf swing technique performance will enhances the student self- esteem, gives the sense of accomplishment, feeling of growing up and reaching maturation. We will also be indentifying student’s talent for the school future golf champion.
Principles of Teaching:

Our principles of teaching are accordance to Singapore Sports Council guidelines:
Principle 1: Place the Youth's Interest before Your;
Principle 2: Be a Role Model;
Principle 3: Have Fun, Wining isn't Everything.
Methods of Teaching:

Direct, Indirect, experiential learning and Interactive Instructions: Including demonstration, drills and practices.
Employing visual, auditory and kinaesthetic teaching modes to suit various students learning intelligence
Programme Principal Coach:

Philip Ang
Certified & Licensed USGTF Master Golf Teaching Professional - USA
Certified Professional Teacher and Trainer - University of Cambridge, UK
Singapore Sport Council - NCAP Level 1, 2 & 3 Theory
Singapore WDA-WSQ ACTA Certified Trainer & Assessor
Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP™) Practitioner - USA
Valid Singapore Red Cross First Aid approved by Singapore Sports Council
Number of students:
Minimum 20 students to start. Maximum 40 students.
Coach students ratio:
Duration per session:
2 hours.

Executive Golf Course and Diving Range.
Address: Track 7, Mandai Road, Upper Seletar Reservoir, Singapore 779384.
Date, day & time:
To be agreed.

Basic training golf clubs will be provided for first 4 sessions. Student is required use their golf equipment.

School is to purchase practice golf balls for the students. The cost is $6.80 for 80 practice range balls per student.

Students are grouped to share the practice bays at the practice range.

The Requirements by Asian Golf Centre, Golf Course Facility Operator and Singapore Sports Council

Letter of Indemnity:

Parent is required to sign the Letter of Indemnity before the start of the student golf lesson.
School to send and fetch their student on time.
Outfit for lesson:
Student is required to come in golf attire. Golf shoe (or sport shoe), collar T-shirt and proper short or pant.
Water refreshment:
Student must has their water for refreshment.
Food and snack:
Strictly no foods and snack to be consumed during the lesson.

We will focus on the student character development, learning effort, skill excellence and enjoyment.

Sport safety requirement by Singapore Sports Council and Ministry of Education

Environment safety:

We provide and ensure a safe environment during the lesson.
Student safety first:

Student must be in good health, fitness and follows golf safety instructions during golf lessons.
Student who DOES NOT follow safety instructions will be stopped immediately from their golf swing practice.
(This include excessive of swinging the golf club during lessons that may cause blisters on the hands or fingers)
Protective gear:
Student is required to wear golf glove, golf shoe or proper sport shoe.
Inclement weather:

In the event of inclement weather the lesson will be conducted at the sheltered practice range.

Insurance Coverage, Coaching fee and Terms of payment

Insurance coverage:

General insurances by the golf course facility operator only.
Students MUST take up their personal golf accident plan.
Coaching Fee:
To be agreed on the number of students per class, sessions and golf coaches required.
Term of Payment:

To be agreed

Asian Golf Centre will not be held responsible for any claims arising out of any personal injury, disability or loss of life in connection during the golf lesson/activity/events. This includes all costs, and expenses incurred as a result of such claims.
Change of Terms and conditions
Asian Golf Centre reserved the rights to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.


Asian Golf Centre - MOE Schools Golf Sport Play Programme Pictures

Student learning and improving the golf swing technique, a fun and enjoying session

Primary School Student Golf Swing Technique Development and Enhancement Lessons
The learning outcome: Student attaining the golf knowledge, skills and attitude

Student learning and improving the golf swing technique, a fun and enjoying session

Primary School Student Golf Swing Technique Development and Enhancement Lessons
The learning outcome: Student achieving the golf swing technique proficiency

Student learning and improving the golf swing technique, a fun and enjoying session

Secondary School Student Golf Swing Technique Development and Enhancement Lessons
The learning outcome: Student achieving the golf swing technique proficiency


Give your students an opportunity: to exhibit their physical talent of the golf swing skills;
self-actualisation of the golf swing technique; and enjoy the fun of playing golf.

Call us for a FREE discussion on your required training programme

Professional service is only a phone call away

Call Philip Ang at Tel: 82221121 for sign-up details